If you have club news, photos, ideas, or other suggestions for content, feel free to contact me using the form below. I am always open to new ideas that will make our club website better.
I am particularly interested in updating some of the photos on the website, and adding some videos where appropriate.
Problems with your password?
Please choose one option:
- If you can log in to the website – do so and click “Welcome, <your name>” in the top right. Choose edit profile and near the bottom of the page you can set your password.
- If you can not log in to the website – go to the NFGA home page and click on “Forgot your password?” link in the lower right of the page just above “Login”. This will take you to a new page where you can enter your member ID or email address, after clicking on “Get New Password” you will be sent an email. Click the link in the email and you can set a new password. The link is only good for one use.
- If you can not or do not want to do any of these send me what password you would like to use and I will set it for you.