Outdoor Bullseye League
Sign-ups for the Summer Bullseye Pistol League are held at Fowler Range. Check the Newsletters or e-mail the NFGA Bullseye Pistol Governor.
The Outdoor league will start between April to May (depending on Sunset, weather, and range conditions) and will be on Tuesdays at the Fowler Range. The last match will tentatively be in October or until we run out of sunlight or it gets too cold to shoot outdoors due to weather. We have a mid-season cookout half way through the season. And an end of season Bullseye Pistol League dinner is held on the last scheduled League night.
The League matches will be two 600 Matches: the first to start at 5 PM, the second will start at 6 PM. Shooters will be able to sign up for whichever match they wish to shoot. Due to earlier sunset times, the 6 PM match may need to be a 300 Match starting mid August. Adjustments will be made as necessary.
600 Matches will consist of the following.
Slow fire from 50 yards – Two strings – each with ten rounds in ten minutes.
Timed fire from 25 yards – turning targets – 4 strings – each with 5 rounds in 20 seconds.
Rapid fire from 25 yards – turning targets – 4 strings – each with 5 rounds in 10 seconds.
300 Matches will be a standard National Match Course with 10 rounds each of Slow fire, Timed fire, and Rapid fire.
Summer League matches will follow NRA rules for Bullseye Pistol competition, however scoring will be less formal. Scores can be optionally submitted for an NRA Outdoor Pistol classification (a minimum of 10 scores is required). If scores will be submitted, have someone else record the scores for you. Pass your score sheet to the right, score to the left, with the leftmost shooter scoring for the rightmost shooter.
If submitting scores for an NRA Outdoor Pistol Classification, Make-ups and banked matches (for planned absences) are allowed. All banked targets must be used. If there is extra space is on a relay, you may shoot a banked match or practice. Lane preference is given to those with assigned lanes who signed up and paid for slots with either 1, 2 or more guns.
New shooters are welcome and encouraged. Club members who would like to try the Bullseye discipline can come to a Tuesday evening match and we will show you the ropes and get you started. If you do not have a suitable pistol, we can let you try some different makes of pistols/revolvers that are commonly used (just let us know ahead of time).