Indoor Bullseye League
This is the Nashua Fish and Game Association (NFGA) Bullseye Pistol League indoor season, for Conventional Pistol.
Any individual may enter the league. NFGA Membership is not required. A non-member fee may be charged to non-NFGA members. NRA membership is recommended, and is required if you want to receive an NRA classification at the end of the league.
Signups and Deadline Dates
Stay tuned to Newsletters or email notifications for the Sign-up date. The official season begins around October. Make-ups and banked matches (for planned absences) are allowed. All banked targets must be used. New shooters are welcome to shoot with us any Tuesday.
Firing Dates
The league typically runs from about October to April or May (skipping some holiday weeks or snow days) depending on weather and range conditions. See Newsletters, Calendars, or email announcements for more info including when the season starts and dates for the league.
Firing Times
Three relays run at 4:00 PM, 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM. A 7PM relay may be added if there is sufficient interest. If there is extra space is on a relay, you may shoot a banked match or practice. Lane preference is given to those with assigned lanes who signed and paid up for slots with either 1, 2 or more guns.
Matches are held every Tuesday evening at the Procter Range at NFGA. Procter has a ten position range at 25 yards with target retrievers.
Entry Fees
Current NRA Conventional Pistol Rules will govern.
Most .22 caliber pistols or revolvers may be used. Centerfire pistols and revolvers using cartridges under 1200 fps may be used.
NRA Official Competition targets will be provided. Targets used are:
Slow Fire | B-16 |
Timed Fire | B-8 |
Rapid Fire | B-8 |
All targets will be scored by participating competitors.
Course of Fire
60 shots at 25 yards, per night, 20 shots slow fire, 20 shots timed fire and 20 shots rapid fire.
Match Conditions
Eye and ear protection are required during this event. Please follow all safe gun handling rules, and you must observe all club safety rules.
Weekly Scores
Weekly scores will be emailed to active Bullseye shooters. A hardcopy will also be posted weekly when permitted (such as on the Procter Bulletin Board).
Anyone who is an NRA member will have their league result scores submitted to NRA at the end of the season, for indoor pistol classification.
Weekly Bullseye Practices
Weekly Bullseye Practices have been temporarily suspended pending more interest and if resumed will typically be on Thursday mornings.
End of Season Dinner
We have an end of season dinner at the Clubhouse on the night of the last scheduled match for the season.