Bullseye League Fees
Fees are paid per season (Indoor and Outdoor) and each season lasts approximately 20-25 weeks based on weather and other conditions.
$25 league dues + 20/per gun (+ $25 non NFGA member fee if applicable)
For example:
$45 for one gun/one match (NFGA member)
$65 for 2 guns/2 matches (NFGA member)
$70 for one gun/one match (non NFGA member)
Junior members shoot free.
New shooters are welcome and encouraged. Club members who would like to try the Bullseye discipline can come to a Tuesday evening match and we will show you the ropes and get you started. If you do not have a suitable pistol, we can let you try some different makes of pistols/revolvers that are commonly used (just let us know ahead of time).