

The Nashua Fish and Game Association are presently the proud sponsors of Cub Scout Pack 425 and Scout Troop 424. We need members who are willing to serve as members on the Scout committee. We are actively looking for some of our members who have an interest. No prior experience with Scouting is necessary if you do, that would be a bonus, however you probably would not fit in your old shirt anyhow. Again, no prior experience is necessary. The primary requirement is the interest and the willingness to serve. Those of you who may have a scouting background please consider giving back to Scouting some of what you got from Scouting. Those of you who don’t have a Scouting background, please consider getting involved in this terrific program. It is not a major commitment, basically one meeting a month at the most. Please know that you would be a welcome addition!

Get children involved in a program that you know will help their development in so many ways. Know that children (aged 7 – 10) are very welcome to join Pack 425 Cub Scouts and we also will welcome your children or grandchildren (ages 11 – 17) as a part of this Troop 424. For more information, please contact me via the form on this page.


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