Education & Training

NFGA hosts many classes over the course of the year for the benefit of our members and the general public with Hunter Education and various firearm and personal defense classes.  We also team with various Range Governors to provide additional instructional and proficiency classes (for example,  Civilian Marksmanship (CMP) programs). 

New Hampshire Hunter Education Course

Hunter Education is a mandatory course for anyone wishing to buy a hunting license in New Hampshire. It is designed to teach hunters proper safety and ethics in the field while hunting. Online pre-registration is required. Register as soon as possible — courses fill up FAST. Click on the New Hampshire Fish and Game logo on this page for more information and to register.

NRA Training Courses

Nashua Fish & Game has a team of NRA Instructors who offer NRA Courses such as: NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting, NRA Basic Rifle, NRA Refuse to Be a Victim, and the NRA Range Safety Officer Course.  Course announcements will be sent to NFGA members when these courses are scheduled.

If you have additional questions, please contact us via email at

Click on the NH Fish & Game Logo for
more info about NH Hunter Education

Contact the Education Committee

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